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Six stages of an audit : Topic: Picture gallery

Insight into our work: Do you want to know the stages of an audit? Then click through our picture gallery which outlines the auditing process.

Auditing process at the Bundesrechnungshof. Image source: Bundesrechnungshof

European Investment Bank: Gaps in supervision and control : Topic: Special report

Together with the Austrian SAI, we recommend creating an independent external supervisory and control framework for the European Investment Bank.

The photomontage shows a transparent, stylized bar chart in combination with a line chart. In the background there are various euro notes and in the upper third the EU flag can be seen in parts. Source: v-zwoelf.

Maritime shipping: tax subsidy worth billions of euros : Topic: Advisory report

The Federal Government is losing billions, while the effectiveness of the subsidy is unclear. This tax incentive should be redesigned.

A fully loaded container ship in a harbor. Above the boat you can see various cranes for loading the ship. Source: Stefan Körber/

News from the Bundesrechnungshof

In this section, we inform you regularly about current issues, events and activities at the Bundesrechnungshof.

What we do

We audit the entire federal financial management. In other words: We closely monitor the use of taxes, reveal weaknesses and give recommendations. Our audit work helps enhance government action and public sector management.

Quote by Kay Scheller

Bild-Dokument für das Frontend We state the facts. We say how it is. We use our independence and expertise. We promote good governance in the public sector. We do so for you. For the benefit of everyone. For the common good."

Source: Kay Scheller, President of the Bundesrechnungshof
Kay Scheller, President of the Bundesrechnungshof, Image source: Bundesrechnungshof

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