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Boundless commitment

The world map coloured in light blue. Image source: Pablo Lagarto/

Mandate of global importance

In addition to our national missions, we perform interesting global tasks by assuming international audit mandates.

Since July 2022, we have been in charge of a new audit mandate of highest international relevance:

We audit the World Food Programme : Topic: International mandate

Since 2022, we have assumed the mandate to audit the United Nations World Food Programme.

The emblem of the World Food Programme. In the background: an agricultural scene. Image source: coprid/, Photomontage: Bundesrechnungshof

Alongside the WFP mandate, the Bundesrechnungshof and its staff members are responsible for auditing several other organizations:

  • Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL), Grenoble
  • German-Greek Youth Office (DGJW), Leipzig
  • French-German Research Institute (ISL), Saint Louis
  • Franco-German University (FGU), Saarbrücken
  • Franco-German Youth Office (FGYO) and Franco-German Citizens’ Fund,
  • German-Polish Youth Office (GPYO), Potsdam/Warsaw
  • European Stability Mechanism (ESM), Luxembourg
  • Organisation for Joint Armament Cooperation (OCCAR), Bonn
  • Multinational Corps Northeast, Szczecin

Manifold forms of international cooperation

At international level, we regularly share information with other SAIs (Supreme Audit Institutions), authorities, organizations and other stakeholders and work closely with them.

The cooperation covers cross-cutting issues. It involves joint audits, collaboration in committees and working groups and projects of development cooperation.

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