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Valuable impulses & ground-breaking ideas

Date 2023.05.05

„Data analytics and AI create new opportunities, tools and technologies for government auditing. We will be able to take the SAIs‘ work and impact to a new level and to prepare ourselves for future challenges“, emphasised Kay Scheller, our President, at the sixth annual meeting of SAIs on data analytics, AI and machine learning.

In early May, representatives of the SAIs of Brazil, Finland, the Netherlands, Norway and the United Kingdom (UK) met at the invitation of the German SAI in Bonn. The three-day meeting offered discussions, keynote speeches and a hackathon.

In an inspiring atmosphere, managers and experts discussed the opportunities and challenges associated with the digital transformation of SAIs and audited bodies.

View of the event room at the international conference on data analysis and artificial intelligence. Data Analytics Meeting
View into the event room Source: Bundesrechnungshof.
  • We used the meeting to organise our first hackathon – the experts analysed publicly accessible geo-data and presented these on maps that could be analysed interactively.
  • On top of that, the SAIs’ data analytics experts informed the managers about their most outstanding findings and the results of the constructive cooperation at working level during the last year.
  • Among other things, the SAIs talked about text mining, natural language processing and establishing data pipelines via special APIs.

„Memorandum of Understanding“ - more than a non-committal declaration

The participating SAIs have set a number of goals for the next meeting in 2024 and have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to extend their cooperation.

The MoU stipulates that participating SAIs shall work together in the fields of data analytics and AI. The German SAI has been on board the initiative since 2019.

Read also our article on the White Paper Machine Learning and AI!

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